Last Mile Delivery Optimization
COVID-19 : Time to Zone out
Ever since the global community took note of the COVID-19 transforming into a pandemic, enforced social distancing or lockdowns have been a consistent reaction from every Government (barring rare exceptions like Sweden). The severity of the lockdown has varied from recommendations to stay indoors to military enforced mandatory restrictions on any movement deemed non-essential. India, […]

Route Optimization
Geocoding: Necessary information is sufficient information
Introduction The fundamental purpose of any language is to convey information, whether it is natural languages or programming languages. However, natural languages have evolved over thousands of years to tolerate a very high degree of ambiguity. For example, if you love the food in a restaurant, you can tell your friends later that “the food […]

Route Optimization
How good is your Geocoder?
What is the purpose of geocoding? Geocoding is a very important piece of the intricate logistics puzzle that Locus is solving for its clients. This merits a constant evaluation of its performance over different regions of the world. However, getting a sense of how good a geocoder is performing requires a very nuanced selection of the metrics […]

Route Optimization
Mapping the world – Easy Address Geocoding
Enter current address. Enter Destination. Done! Whether you are checking out a new restaurant across the town or driving cross country to meet your loved ones, finding the exact location of any place and the most optimal way to get there has never been easier. One of the most ubiquitously used map service app, ‘Google […]