Category: Industry Insights

Back to the Good Old Days of Doorstep Milk Delivery Services

Delivery Experience

Back to the Good Old Days of Doorstep Milk Delivery Services

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Lakshmi D

Aug 12, 2020

By 2027, the United States will manufacture 12 million metric tonnes of milk (26 pounds). This will be greater than what the US domestic market will consume. – McKinsey & Company report, 2019 Since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, chaos has ensued in the milk supply chain. But the pandemic has also created a […]

Middle East Logistics

Last Mile Delivery Optimization

Why Logistics Matters in the Middle East Now, More than Ever?

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Aug 6, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic has thrust logistics to the forefront of every industry and country and the scenario is no different in the Middle East. But the challenges and opportunities in the region are quite unique.  The pandemic has made life tougher as customer expectations have increased and logistics resources are being stretched to the maximum.  […]

Last Mile Delivery Services

Last Mile Delivery Optimization

Why are Last Mile Delivery Services Important in the Post-Coronavirus World?

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Lakshmi D

Jul 3, 2020

There will be a 20% growth in online retail share by 2023, and there will be a 10% increase in instant delivery. – Future of last-mile interventions  Due to COVID-19, customers have become accustomed to online shopping. This change in their shopping habits is making the logistics industry refocus on last mile delivery services.  Logistics […]

AI in Fashion Supply Chain

Delivery Experience

How Artificial Intelligence can Optimize the Online Fashion Supply Chain

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Shweta Sarma

Jul 2, 2020

AI in Fashion Supply Chain: The world of fashion has changed drastically since the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic. The first blow to the industry was the shutting down of the world’s largest textile producing and exporting country in the world, China.  As COVID-19 spread afar, non-essential businesses were closed down globally. Shopping streets were […]

AI in Home Diagnostics Services

Healthcare / Pharmaceutical

The Role of AI in Ensuring Excellent Home Diagnostics Services in Times of COVID-19

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Shweta Sarma

Jun 29, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has confined people to their homes, restricting travel, and non-essential outdoor activities for months. Recent surveys show that the demand for home diagnostic services is increasing as people across the United States shelter in place due to the pandemic. People who wouldn’t have dreamed of tackling a home appliance repair are now […]

Last Mile Customer Experience

Last Mile Delivery Optimization

Last Mile Customer Experience: It is no longer about reaching destinations, it is about reaching people

Globally, 71% of customers lose their trust forever in brands that place profits before people. – Edelman Trust Barometer report, March 2020, Special Report: Brand Trust and the Coronavirus Pandemic. What would you choose if you had to choose between making more profits or making your customers happy? The above question is not difficult, but […]

Multi stop route planning software showing a quick route on a smart phone

Route Optimization

Multi-stop route planning and why is it important?

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Lakshmi D

Jun 24, 2020

Multi-stop route planning selects the optimal and most productive route for visiting multiple customer locations. Learn about multi-stop route optimization!

Why Geocoding matters and the tech behind it


Why Geocoding matters and the tech behind it

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Jun 18, 2020

Team Locus Vittal Sirigiri, one of the top data scientists in Locus, has had quite the professional journey—investment banker, cofounder of a food business, self-taught coder, he’s worn many hats. Vittal’s will to keep expanding his horizons and love for all things numbers made him take up data science and he’s not looked back since. […]