High Logistics Costs Curb Ecommerce Growth in India
The World Bank states that high logistics costs are slowing down the growth of eCommerce in India. Check the primary concerns for e-commerce companies.

Indonesian Retailers Must Now Seek a Permit to Sell Online
Indonesian e-commerce vendors flustered as the law now requires sellers to seek a permit to sell goods online. Read to know more!

Vietnam Tops the Chart of the World’s Fastest-growing Economies
Vietnam is the fastest growing world economy which surpasses India and China, GDP growth statistics report states. This opens the door for modern logistics.

The Changing Logistics of Grocery Stores with Last Mile Grocery Delivery Route Optimization
Last Mile Grocery Delivery: E-Commerce has significantly transformed consumer buying behaviour. In recent years, there has been a major shift from retail shopping to eGrocery shopping among consumers. The caliber of delivering groceries on the same day has completely changed the landscape of grocery purchases and e-grocery supply chain with innovative online retailers. Though food […]

Milk Delivery startups struggling to grow?
Hyperlocal delivery is a rising trend in Indian e-Commerce and on-demand home delivery services. Can technology save hyperlocal milk delivery companies?

Will E-commerce Shake Hands With Small Retailers and Kirana Stores?
The Indian government has approached e-commerce companies to send plans to work with small retailers and Kirana stores to make room for mutual growth.

Single’s Day and Available for Shopping
When we think of events that cause a sharp spike in e-commerce revenues, occasions like Cyber Monday and Black Friday come to our mind. An often overlooked event that creates a massive boom for e-commerce companies in China and SE Asia is Single’s day. Showcasing the pride of being single, in 2018, the festival grossed […]

White Glove Services: Everything You Need to Know
The tremendous growth of e-commerce has redefined the meaning of luxury among consumers worldwide. It is no longer defined by the monetary value of goods but by the unique, exclusive experience associated with buying something. In e-commerce, this luxury experience is characterized by convenience, speed and some kind of emotional fulfillment. While the modern customer […]