How Can Route Optimization Reduce Costs And Improve Last-mile Delivery In Southeast Asia
Hidayat is en-route to deliver the parcel to the customer he has been assigned. The address says: “Selular shop, Mall Kelapa Gading 3, Jakarta Utara”. Hidayat rechecks the address, looking for a street name or a house number. Nothing. Hidayat is confused. His delivery is going to be late. There are a lot of Hidayats […]

Last Mile Delivery Optimization
Locus’ 60-second Guide to Omnichannel Retail
‘Omnichannel’ is the latest buzzword in the FMCG and Retail industry. Every retailer now wants different channels to deliver its goods, and all of a sudden, selling simply through the traditional brick and mortar shops is not good enough. But what is omnichannel and why do companies even need it Omnichannel retailing is a fully-integrated […]
Faktor yang Perlu Diperhatikan Saat Memilih Perangkat Lunak Untuk Mengoptimalkan Rute
Solusi terbaru yang dibutuhkan dalam pengoptimalan rute adalah dapat melakukan pengelolaan terhadap armada, menjadi penentu arah bagi pengemudi, menambahkan tempat untuk berhenti, meningkatkan produktivitas, dan memiliki kepatuhan terhadap SLA. Pengoptimalan rute pada kenyataannya juga akan menghemat biaya terhadap bahan bakar, akan menambah pengambilan dan atau pengiriman paket, serta pengurangan terhadap biaya lembur dari pegawai dan […]
4 Pertanyaan Yang Perlu Dijawab Tentang Supply Chain Apabila Kamu Tinggal Di Wilayah Asia Tenggara
Benua Asia adalah sebuah daerah yang memiliki jumlah penduduk yang terdapat lebih dari 600 juta orang dengan kekuatan ekonomi Produk Domestik Bruto sebesar 2,4 Triliun USD di dunia. Dalam sebuah riset yang dilakukan oleh Frost & Sullvan, pada tingkat pertumbuhan tahunan gabungan yang dimiliki oleh Indonesia diperkirakan tumbuh sebesar 15,4% hingga tahun 2020. Hal tersebut […]

Supply Chain Optimization
We hosted the best supply chain brains under one roof, here is what they had to say
Locus recently organized the first Supply Chain Meetup in India in collaboration with The Worldwide Supply Chain Federation. The event was hosted in Bangalore, with the best minds of supply chain from various industries joining the event. With the top leaders of the logistics under one roof, the discussion was lively, and the group discussed […]

Last Mile Delivery Optimization
Expanding with accountability: The Supply Chain Story of Bigbasket
As a growing venture, we understand the complexities of expansion first hand. More regions to serve, additional clients and unfamiliar avenues often lead to many unforeseen challenges. And even though every business dreams of growing big, only a few are ready for added responsibilities. The supply chain and its development is at the heart of […]

Last Mile Delivery Optimization
The Bangalore Supply Chain Meetup: First chapter in India
As a logistics professional and a keen learner, I often attend various supply chain conferences to acquire knowledge and discuss new ideas. However, more often than not, these conferences tend to be generic, monotonous events where the captive audience simply goes through the actual session in the hope of networking with fellow professionals afterwards. I […]

The future of hyperlocal delivery
Hyperlocal delivery model has emerged as a trend in recent years. Inspired by large rounds of investment in Uber Eats in the U.S. and Big Basket in India, aspiring entrepreneurs entered this niche hoping to find success. However, it turned out that it was not as simple as it seemed. First, the concept of hyperlocal delivery […]