Last Mile Delivery Optimization
Followed by Randomness
Rolling dice has been a divine act since ancient times. For Pre-Christians who lived along the MediterraneanSea, the die was the law of the land. Since then human beings have not shied away from exploiting its power in all spheres of life, be it for recreation, gambling, moving economy, predicting weather, and even developing computationally […]

Bringing Banking to the Customer’s Doorstep with ‘Locus for BFSI’
Expectations are a moving target, thereby creating the need for institutions to regularly track and understand how they are Performing Against Customer Expectations (PACE). The PACE index for the banking sector does this on an annual basis, in a global study spanning 8,000 customers and 500 small businesses. The 2016 survey revealed that Indian banks were near the bottom of the global […]

‘One Nation, One Tax’ — A Sector-Wise Impact Breakdown
The hula-hoop around GST has been spinning for a while now, just enough to make it a strong contender for news of the year. It is finally here, despite protests from various corners of the polygon that is the Indian business sector, from diamond merchants to fabric traders to the film industry. But the train […]

Fleet Optimization
Skill Based Routing: The Sorting Hat of Intelligent Logistics
In our previous post, we had introduced the concept of serviceability, its significance and implication for the future of logistics. It would not be telling to say that we have only scratched the surface. Leaving it at that will be like belittling the layers that lie beneath. Let’s dig deeper… Serviceability has an unpredictable complexion to […]

Fleet Optimization
What is the Serviceability Quotient Of Your Business?
No more late appointments, no haggling, a pleasant service experience, and a satisfied customer! “Starting all over again is not that bad, because then you get another chance to make things right”. Poignant, sure, but if the same was being said of service fulfilment, be assured that the panic siren would go out of control […]

Dispatch Management
Smart Package Sorting – Add Intelligence to Your Warehouse
Smart, well informed and less tolerant is what defines new age digital consumers. E-commerce business has advanced towards being more consumer-centric. Today, consumers are accustomed to ‘Click & Buy’ model with an expectation of shorter delivery time along with the flexibility in delivery anywhere & anytime. Alain Ferard from Neopost put it aptly — “Customers expect convenience”.These […]

Dispatch Management
Gist of GST: Is India Inc. Ready?
Finally, India seems to be taking strides forward in order to roll-out the hugely anticipated goods and services tax, or GST, by the self-set deadline of 1st July, 2017. Experts have not shied away from terming the new sales tax regime as the most significant economic reform since the economic liberalisation led by Mr. Singh […]

Dispatch Management
Loading a shipping container — Part II
(Volumetric Packing Benchmarks) I hope you all enjoyed the first read in the series of write-ups on the Lattice 3D packing. Locus has since, been busy improving the core 3D packing algorithm, adding more features and tuning its hyper parameters. We will visit all of these in a dedicated, follow-up article. Until then let’s get into some specifics and numbers. […]