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Tagged in Cost Saving on Fuel

Reduction of carbon emissions by minimizing fuel-miles
Authors: Arpita Mishra and Zubin Pradhan Supply chain enterprises have the prime social responsibility of adopting sustainability measures and controlling the negative impact of logistics on the environment. In terms of global transport emissions, the road sector is by far the largest emitter, with passenger and freight transport contributing nearly three-quarters of the overall transport […]

Last Mile Delivery Optimization
Electric Vehicles (EVs) — The Future of Last-Mile Deliveries in 2021 and Beyond
As convenience, delivery speed, and efficiency continue to define customer experience, there is a steady growth in the use of Electric Vehicles to carry out last-mile operations. EVs are eco-friendly and offer some hidden business gains to supply chain enterprises. Read on to catch up on this rising trend that is shaping up the future […]

How to address real-time courier dispatch challenges?
The consumer’s demand for faster, trackable, and efficient dispatch delivery is increasing. This rising demand has posed many challenges for the courier dispatching industry, especially in courier dispatch. What is a courier dispatch software? A courier dispatch software is a tool that a fleet manager uses to assign jobs to drivers. It is designed to […]

Last Mile Delivery Optimization
Last Mile Customer Experience: It is no longer about reaching destinations, it is about reaching people
Globally, 71% of customers lose their trust forever in brands that place profits before people. – Edelman Trust Barometer report, March 2020, Special Report: Brand Trust and the Coronavirus Pandemic. What would you choose if you had to choose between making more profits or making your customers happy? The above question is not difficult, but […]

Last Mile Delivery Costs: Bringing Order to Chaos
Last-mile delivery costs consume over two-fifths of overall logistics costs.- Frost and Sullivan, 2018 It is no secret that customer expectations are really high these days. Naturally, the costs associated with meeting such expectations, especially on the delivery front are also increasing. The primary challenge that logistics providers face is rising last-mile carrier delivery costs. […]

Route Planning Software: Fuel your inter-urban delivery routes business by saving on fuel costs
Ask any fleet driver if he/she prefers driving inside the city or outside, the usual answer is, “Outside, on the highways, anyday!”. Roadblocks, traffic congestion, or unexpected accidents make urban delivery routes really challenging. If there is something that fleet drivers and fleet managers are concerned about in the last-mile delivery, it is the fuel […]