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Tagged in Last Mile Deliveries

Last Mile Delivery Optimization
Impact of Mega Distribution Centers in Logistics
Black swan events like Covid-19 pandemic have forced the logistics industry to rethink and replan their warehouse strategies. Before this pandemic, companies managed their warehouse operations using the Just In Time (JIT) principle. It has shaken up the supply chain activities from Just-In-Time to Never on time. For a JIT warehouse management to be successful, […]

Workforce Empowerment
The Essential Features Every Fleet Manager Need
Fleet management has always been a crucial part of logistics management but the present COVID-19 scenario has made it all the more so. During these times, fleet managers require some essential features to handle the increasing number of orders. Only a quality fleet management software can provide these features. What is a fleet management software? […]

Last Mile Delivery Optimization
Last-Mile Logistics to Stand Out in the Post-Pandemic World
How big brands responded to the pandemic, and what supply chains can learn for the future. 2020: The year of a global pandemic, the year of a worldwide economic recession, and the year of massive business transformation for supply chains across the globe. Navigating through the pandemic has been no less than a roller coaster […]

Minimize your Last Mile Logistics Delivery Complexities using Logistics Automation
Last mile logistics deliveries are becoming more complicated with each passing day. On one-side, customer expectations are increasing, and on the other, delivery companies are struggling with rising distribution costs and pressures to maintain profitability. How automation eliminates delivery complexities in last mile logistics? Last-mile technologies like logistics automation have made it possible to run […]