Tagged in Logistics Planning

Supply Chain Meet-Up Bangalore

Last Mile Delivery Optimization

The Bangalore Supply Chain Meetup: First chapter in India

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Nishith Rastogi

Nov 6, 2018

As a logistics professional and a keen learner, I often attend various supply chain conferences to acquire knowledge and discuss new ideas. However, more often than not, these conferences tend to be generic, monotonous events where the captive audience simply goes through the actual session in the hope of networking with fellow professionals afterwards. I […]

Hyper Local Delivery Future Trends


The future of hyperlocal delivery

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Oct 25, 2018

Hyperlocal delivery model has emerged as a trend in recent years. Inspired by large rounds of investment in Uber Eats in the U.S. and Big Basket in India, aspiring entrepreneurs entered this niche hoping to find success. However, it turned out that it was not as simple as it seemed. First, the concept of hyperlocal delivery […]

Logistics Optimization in Canada

Fleet Optimization

What Are Consumer Companies Doing In Canada To Optimise Logistics And Why?

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Aug 27, 2018

Logistics Optimization in Canada: Recently, 78 Canadian companies, 26 business associations and 12 Canadian academic institutions came together to form SCALE.AI, and the Government of Canada announced it had selected SCALE. AI as one of five winning industry-led proposals in its Innovation Super clusters Initiative. SCALE stands for Supply Chain and Logistics Excellence, and it’s an AI-powered […]


4 Questions You Need To Answer About Your Supply Chain If You Are In Southeast Asia

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Jul 30, 2018

Southeast Asia represents an economy of over 600 million people and a GDP of 2.4 trillion USD. According to the international research firm Frost & Sullivan, Indonesia’s compound annual growth rate is predicted to be 15.4% till 2020. Lower production costs, massive government spending, increasing disposable income of a growing middle class, along with an […]

On-Time and In-Full Delivery in Supply Chain


On-Time and In-Full Delivery: Why Balancing Both is Important for You

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Jun 25, 2018

On-Time and In-Full Deliveries are the benchmarks of an optimal supply chain. With logistics costs rising, increasing Full Truck Loads (trucks which are almost completely filled) has always been an area of emphasis for logistics managers, often to the point of compromising on the other half — On-Time. Being there on-time is as important as delivering to […]

Route Optimization Engine

Route Optimization

How The World’s Best Route Optimization Engine Works

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Jan 29, 2018

While other traditional ‘track & trace’ solutions tell you ‘where your truck is’, Locus’ route optimization engine goes a step further to answer ‘where your truck should be!’ Consider the following scenario: 10 Shipments, 10 drop-off locations. 1 rider to complete the job in a day. Sounds simple enough problem to solve, isn’t it? Numerous cognitive […]

Followed by Randomness

Last Mile Delivery Optimization

Followed by Randomness

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Nov 2, 2017

Rolling dice has been a divine act since ancient times. For Pre-Christians who lived along the MediterraneanSea, the die was the law of the land. Since then human beings have not shied away from exploiting its power in all spheres of life, be it for recreation, gambling, moving economy, predicting weather, and even developing computationally […]

Bringing Banking to the Customer’s Doorstep with ‘Locus for BFSI’


Bringing Banking to the Customer’s Doorstep with ‘Locus for BFSI’

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Jul 18, 2017

Expectations are a moving target, thereby creating the need for institutions to regularly track and understand how they are Performing Against Customer Expectations (PACE). The PACE index for the banking sector does this on an annual basis, in a global study spanning 8,000 customers and 500 small businesses. The 2016 survey revealed that Indian banks were near the bottom of the global […]