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Tagged in Route Planning Software

Route Optimization for Third-party Logistics Operators: Making your Logistics Operations Economical
Imagine a company in Mumbai wants to ship its products to California. This company does not have its own vehicles or transportation. What does it do? The company outsources its operations to a third-party logistics operator. This third-party logistics provider transports goods from one location to another. Third-party logistics operators conduct logistics and transport activities […]

Single’s Day and Available for Shopping
When we think of events that cause a sharp spike in e-commerce revenues, occasions like Cyber Monday and Black Friday come to our mind. An often overlooked event that creates a massive boom for e-commerce companies in China and SE Asia is Single’s day. Showcasing the pride of being single, in 2018, the festival grossed […]

No Deal Brexit: A Nightmare for European Logistics?
Brexit has been a sensational controversy for a long time now but long-delayed for several reasons. However, D-Day is approaching soon. The much-awaited divorce between the UK and the EU is scheduled to take place at 23:00 GMT on the 31st of October, making the Halloween of 2019 even more eventful. Brexit marks the scheduled […]

How to tackle last-mile delivery problems in North America using technology
Logistics solutions to catapult business profits Running a marathon may be about the long haul, but that last stretch is what makes all the difference. Imagine your customer stuck in the office, and they check their phone in the 53 seconds timed break that they get. And see one missed call from an unknown number. […]
4 Pertanyaan Yang Perlu Dijawab Tentang Supply Chain Apabila Kamu Tinggal Di Wilayah Asia Tenggara
Benua Asia adalah sebuah daerah yang memiliki jumlah penduduk yang terdapat lebih dari 600 juta orang dengan kekuatan ekonomi Produk Domestik Bruto sebesar 2,4 Triliun USD di dunia. Dalam sebuah riset yang dilakukan oleh Frost & Sullvan, pada tingkat pertumbuhan tahunan gabungan yang dimiliki oleh Indonesia diperkirakan tumbuh sebesar 15,4% hingga tahun 2020. Hal tersebut […]

Last Mile Delivery Optimization
Expanding with accountability: The Supply Chain Story of Bigbasket
As a growing venture, we understand the complexities of expansion first hand. More regions to serve, additional clients and unfamiliar avenues often lead to many unforeseen challenges. And even though every business dreams of growing big, only a few are ready for added responsibilities. The supply chain and its development is at the heart of […]

Fleet Optimization
Skill Based Routing: The Sorting Hat of Intelligent Logistics
In our previous post, we had introduced the concept of serviceability, its significance and implication for the future of logistics. It would not be telling to say that we have only scratched the surface. Leaving it at that will be like belittling the layers that lie beneath. Let’s dig deeper… Serviceability has an unpredictable complexion to […]