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Tagged in Supply Chain Optimization

Workforce Empowerment
Locus and Highway Delite come together to help stranded drivers in India
The country-wide lockdown in India has had an impact across industries, but at the heart of it all is logistics and supply chain. Drivers, who are the lifeline of this industry, have been deeply affected right now. A sizable population of drivers is stuck on the highways with nowhere to go and with very few […]

Supply Chain Optimization
Network Optimization is the way to go for Supply Chain Enterprises
“Today’s supply chains are perfectly suited for the needs of businesses 20 years ago.” If we look at the current state of affairs in the supply chain industry, this statement stands just true. However, modern-day supply chains are highly complex. In this competitive and dynamic landscape, supply chain enterprises need more agility to stand out […]

No Deal Brexit: A Nightmare for European Logistics?
Brexit has been a sensational controversy for a long time now but long-delayed for several reasons. However, D-Day is approaching soon. The much-awaited divorce between the UK and the EU is scheduled to take place at 23:00 GMT on the 31st of October, making the Halloween of 2019 even more eventful. Brexit marks the scheduled […]

Route Optimization
E-commerce disrupting the CPG landscape
Want to know how CPG eCommerce distributors can thrive in the changing scenario? Distributors have been an indispensable part of the CPG supply chain. CPG players have relied on their traditional partners to handle the sales, shipping, and servicing of the products to retailers in a specific geographic area or a particular class of business. […]

Last Mile Delivery Optimization
How Hollywood can teach us supply chain lessons: The red carpet of logistics
The power of film is well masked behind the facade of Hollywood scandals and celebrity faff. If you take a closer look, some movies can leave a lasting impression on principles to adopt in real life. With increasingly complex consumer demand patterns and globalization of operations, your supply chain could use a helping hand. The […]

The trouble in paradise for 3PL and their fleet
What happens when your best friend turns into your biggest foe? Shock, Anguish, and Sadness. Just a few of the images that come to the mind. That’s the situation that the 3PL companies are dealing with right now. Trucks, Ships, and Boxes; their most intimate homies have rebelled against them. Believe it or not, managing fleet is […]

Last Mile Delivery Optimization
Locus’ 60-second Guide to Omnichannel Retail
‘Omnichannel’ is the latest buzzword in the FMCG and Retail industry. Every retailer now wants different channels to deliver its goods, and all of a sudden, selling simply through the traditional brick and mortar shops is not good enough. But what is omnichannel and why do companies even need it Omnichannel retailing is a fully-integrated […]
4 Pertanyaan Yang Perlu Dijawab Tentang Supply Chain Apabila Kamu Tinggal Di Wilayah Asia Tenggara
Benua Asia adalah sebuah daerah yang memiliki jumlah penduduk yang terdapat lebih dari 600 juta orang dengan kekuatan ekonomi Produk Domestik Bruto sebesar 2,4 Triliun USD di dunia. Dalam sebuah riset yang dilakukan oleh Frost & Sullvan, pada tingkat pertumbuhan tahunan gabungan yang dimiliki oleh Indonesia diperkirakan tumbuh sebesar 15,4% hingga tahun 2020. Hal tersebut […]